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I really enjoyed playing this game. I was pleasantly surprised by replayability - from three attempts I've played, I was forced to different strategy each time. The goal of 150 points is challanging but fair and when I failed, I knew that its mainly my fault.

I am glad that you plan to extend this game further, it definatelly has big potential and I would happily play more! I feel like some roguelike deckbuilding elements could suit it well.

Thanks for the encouraging feedback!


nice game ,not easy but not hard also . the max point i got was 122 .still trying to beat the game

Thanks for playing and the feedback! Hope you beat it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Was the gameplay easy to understand?


How difficult did you find the game?

→not super difficult, but not too easy

How much was the variation in difficulty across runs? 

→fairly variable, but tthat's fine given the genre

Was it easy to follow the changes happening after card placement

→Yes–I particularly like the fact that the changes pop up, if that makes any sense

Any other thoughts/feedback.

→overall very fun! i like it a lot+ would love to see a somehow expanded version

Thanks for playing and the encouraging feedback!

I'll work on expanding the game further.


looking forward to it!  sorry if this is unreasonable, but would it be possible for you to reply to this comment with literally anything when you next update/expand it? I’ve played a lot of games in this specific genre, and this is my favorite by far.

No pressure, of course–you don’t owe me or anyone else anything– but I sincerely hope you keep expanding this game. if you ever want a beta tester, i'd be more than happy to

(1 edit)

That's not unreasonable at all! Very encouraging in fact :) Thanks so much. I will reply here again when I update the game.